Second Learning


Lesson 6: Remove that Just Rezzed Look (Part 2)

Part 1

User created skins can run anywhere from 500 L$ to 1000 L$ if not more. I headed over to Tuli since FabFree had gone to all the trouble of matching a skin to a shape. I'm just that pale white normally (my students encourage me to get some sun), so this skin a definite win.

The first thing that I notice when I arrive, is the presence of a Christmas tree that is surrounded by presents. There is no hovering text that encourages me to click on the presents, but I click nonetheless. And almost all of the presents contain, well, presents. There was only one empty box. Most of the presents were lovely pieces of clothing but one of them was the S4 Cream skin. My quest to find where they hid the freebie skin is over before it had even begun. Back to the photo studio!

Viv Perrin modeling S4 Cream Skin by TuliHere is my new look, bedecked in my new skin (along with the new shape). Oh, and I found a solution to my previous top, that came in the form of a present freebie from Tuli: a new sweater. This one is red and sassy enough to show some chest, but no cleavage. This is actually something I'd wear to teach in a real classroom. There are additional prim cuffs and a turtleneck, but I actually like the sweater more without them.

But Houston, we have a problem. If you look at the image from FabFree and the picture above, you will see that the face does not look the same. The whole reason I went through all of this trouble to go to the links and find specifically that shape and specifically that skin was because I really wanted that face. After some serious searching, I discovered that my viewer, Windlight, was the problem. Hopefully they'll fix the lighting situation. In the mean time, I created a facelight and placed it on myself. I do not have to go into detail about how to create a facelight because you, being an educator and not a game or software developer, have the real viewer, not a "first look" (meaning still in the stages of being untested) viewer. Here is how it turned out:
Viv Perrin modeling S4 Cream Skin by Tuli

Much better.


Tune in next time for our final installment: Hair!



for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

The Calla update group gave out a really good lighting system depending on how much light was needed for you face. I believe it was done by Haedon Quine complete with a notecard on what conditions to use each type of light. It might still be in the queue. I will check when I log in next.

Blogger Jasmin Loire Says:

@ Cherlindrea - Thank you, that would be wonderful!


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