Second Learning


Mini Santa

Now that Christmas is over, I can let you all in on a little secret. Rather, he's a mini secret: Mini Santa.

He's an incredibly popular shoulder pet who has spent the past month-ish (since Thanksgiving) sitting on my right shoulder and handing out a random item from his inventory to everyone who dares to click on him. His inventory, while full to begin with, is modifyable which means that anyone can add to it. In my case, I added an EduCube t-shirt (hey, free marketing is free marketing), and some other one-prim furniture. I repackaged everything inside EduCube boxes for the brand identity.

This is a great marketing tool. It is much better than just having an available freebie at my shop and hoping that people stumble in to it. This way, people encounter Mini Santa wherever I go and if they chose to click him, they get a freebie and (and this is why freebies are handed out in SL) a landmark and a notecard encouraging them to drop by my store to see what else they might like.

So I've sold you on the Mini Santa idea and now you want to now how to get one of your own. I have good news for you: he's free. If you have an account on OnRez (and you really should since I use them to sell all of my EduCubes and they have excellent pictures of the EduCubes since I'm too cheap to upload them in world), you can buy Mini Santa there. However, if you are an in-world only type of person, check out XD Fusion to score your own free Mini Santa. He's located on the wall with a bunch of other free and worth-every-L$ products.



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