Second Learning


EduCube Class

Mark your calendars, EduCube is offering its first class.

Official Class Information

Name: Trial Run - Build Your Own Wreath
Cost: Materials are Free
Where: Meeting at EduCube Holiday Headquarters
Class Size: 3.
** REGISTER IN ADVANCE ** by IMing Jasmin Loire in-world.

If this trial-class is a hit, then this will be offered to a larger audience.


An arts-and-crafts project like one done by preschoolers across the US: build your own wreath.

Class skills covered: rezing, resizing, texturing, placing, and photographing prims.

* meeting at
* limited to 3 testers (I'd appreciate them being folks with limited building experience so I get true feedback on how detailed my instructions need to be)

12 pm PT Class (Open to Blog Readers)
Spot 1:
Spot 2:
Spot 3:

1 pm PT Class (Listed on SL Search)
Spot 1: Czari Zenovka
Spot 2: 01 Hifeng
Spot 3: PhoenixSoleil7 Timeless



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