Second Learning


SL Outfits

One of the things I like about the TUi Instructor Training Course I'm taking is that my group is made up of really great gals and we seem to mesh as a group. I've heard murmurings from others in the class that their groups are a little less cohesive. The deal with our group is that we all have familiarity with the same SL gadgets, so we spend less time telling each other what an individual item does, and more time discussing practical uses of such.

That said ... one of my group-members - and dare I say internet-friends - and I had a chat today about identity. You see, we are not of the fashionista movement that appears to have overtaken Second Life. One of the things I mentioned, having no evidence at all, was that I think that a greater percentage of people in Second Life are into more daring fashions than are available in Real Life.

Prove me right. Take my poll so I have some data. The poll (survey?) asks how many outfits you've collected over your Second Lifetime. Don't worry, your answer is completely anonymous.

So what are you waiting for, I need data!

For the record, I have 7 outfits put together right now. I soon will have 8, since I find that I keep ending up in Vampire/Dungeon parties (which have no sexual overtones, thank-you-very-much) so I figure I need something a little more appropriate to wear than my usual t-shirt and jeans.

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